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Teaching Kids to Pray: 6 Tips for Modeling a Prayer-Filled Life

teaching kids to pray

Teaching kids to pray is one of the most important roles of Christian parents and Sunday school teachers. Read on for six simple but powerful tips for teaching children how to pray.

I recently read a book by Joel Beeke and Mark Jones called A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life. I assumed it was a traditional systematic theology book from a Puritan perspective. It addresses all the traditional topics you find in any systematic theology book, but one section is called “theology in practice.” A chapter on “Walking Godly in the Home” has lots of great material.

I want to share with you the chapter on teaching kids to pray. It is such practical instruction that made me feel convicted. I hope these tips are as helpful for you as they are for me.

6 Tips for Teaching Kids to Pray

1. Be short.

With few exceptions, don’t pray for more than five minutes. Tedious prayers do more harm than good.

2. Don’t teach in your prayer.

God doesn’t need the instruction. Be simple without being shallow.

3. Pray for things your kids know something about.

Just don’t allow your prayers to become trivial.

4. Be direct.

Don’t reduce prayers to self-centered, shallow petitions. Spread the needs before God, plead your case, and ask for mercy.

5. Daily name children and their needs one by one.

Be natural yet solemn. Speak clearly and reverently.