Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 12 Characteristics Of Pastors That Drive People Crazy

12 Characteristics Of Pastors That Drive People Crazy

I’m going to say something that might make some of you angry today, but I just have to say it: Some pastors drive me nuts!

In my line of work as a pastor and consultant I meet tons of pastors. All are wonderful people, some just don’t quite get what pastoring is all about though. Here are some of the characteristics of many pastors that make me crazy:

  • Focusing on “church growth” rather than mission.
  • Thinking small groups are about “getting people connected” rather than discipleship.
  • Trying to lead without being relational.
  • Identifying things that need to change, but not changing them.
  • Tolerating obvious sin in their congregation.  Gossip, division, greed, lack-of-faith, and idolatry top the list of tolerated sins.
  • Not having accountability.
  • Not being in a small group.
  • Having a “vision Sunday” once per year.  People need vision all the time!!!  Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over…and over!!
  • Making plans, without executing them.
  • Not returning phone calls or emails.
  • Blaming staff for problems without looking to themselves first for fault.
  • Openly offering feedback without being open to feedback.

Okay I could go on, but I’ll stop.  There’s my rant.  ’Nuff said.  

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Alan Danielson is the Lead Pastor of a church that’s probably a lot like yours. New Life Bible Church is a church of a few hundred people, but not long ago he was on the executive staff of Life.Church in Edmond, OK. Now, along with pastoring New Life, Alan is a consultant and has worked with many of America’s largest churches. Despite this, Alan has a passion for the small church. That’s why he lives by the personal conviction that no church is too small for him to work with. Alan founded Triple-Threat Solutions to help leaders of and churches of all sizes grow. Learn more from Alan at http://www.3Threat.net.