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Life Skills Your Church Can Teach the World

What if people in your ministry want to get better, but they don’t know how?

What if you, as a leader, hold onto a countercultural gold mine you can’t see (because you’re so used to it) that could change how people in your community live?

Let me explain.

Many of us are tracking what’s happening to our diets these days as more and more people become overweight. The problem stems in large part from more food being eaten at restaurants (fast food or otherwise) or as prepackaged products that you take out of a box and pop in the oven or microwave.

You can rail against how poorly people eat (and I’m guilty of it too at times), but there’s a problem underneath people eating poorly at restaurants and at home.

The problem? People don’t know how to cook.

My wife and I are huge Jamie Oliver fans. Jamie is a British chef and we (OK, my wife Toni) cooks at home using his recipes many nights a week.

Jamie is also on a crusade. He realized that people don’t just need healthy recipes, they need to learn how to cook — cook as in actually buying whole foods and actually cooking from scratch.

If people can’t cook well, they won’t eat well.

Jamie even tells you what pots to buy, what spices to stock, how to use a knife and all the other things you need to learn to figure out how to cook, even if you’ve never boiled an egg.

Apparently cooking from scratch at home is now countercultural.

What if if there’s a similar thing going on in your church and community, not just about food, but about life?

Think about it. As a leader, you:

Long for families to stay together and thrive;

Want people to be generous;

Yearn for people to be in healthy relationships.

What if it’s that they don’t know how?