Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 5 People You Must Pray For (Even Though You Don’t Want To)

5 People You Must Pray For (Even Though You Don’t Want To)

4. Highly critical bloggers and commentors.

If you want to get a glimpse of the depravity of our fallen world, scroll down on a news article and read through the comments.

Even many Christian blogs and news sites attract vile responses, some even by professing followers of Jesus. The Internet has opened the floodgates for trolls and for angry, self-justified people.

But have you considered that perhaps those who communicate ungracefully may be doing it from a place of insecurity, of brokenness, of a deep hunger for what only God can provide?

I don’t know what motivates the hostility all the time, but I do know that these are people God wants to rescue from themselves. If God could cause revival among the ruthless Ninevites, God could do a work among those who use the Internet for vile purposes.

We should pray that God enraptures their souls with the good news of the gospel. We should pray that we don’t fall into their trap of bitterness and vulgarity.