Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 5 Steps to Pop Your Christian Bubble

5 Steps to Pop Your Christian Bubble

3. Make sure you have one close friend who, when you say, “I just downloaded the new Chris Tomlin record,” looks at you with a blank stare and says, ”Who?”

4. Stop listening to only Christian music.

I’m gonna get raked across the coals for this one, but I stand behind it.

Yes, I believe you should guard what you are putting into your dome.
I stopped listening to Jay-Z on a daily basis because I was pretty much getting numb to hearing him call women foul names.


I do go to his concerts.

I do own his newest record.


Because he has some REALLY good songs.

I mean, listen, if Mumford & Sons is as far away from Christian music as you can stomach, take some pepto and go to Lollapalooza. You will like what you hear. And I promise you, the devil doesn’t own music. God does. And He is in more of it than you know.

5. For the love of all things good and holy, STOP USING THE WORD SECULAR FOR EVERYTHING.

I don’t believe in Christian art and secular art.

I believe in art.

I didn’t eat a secular lunch yesterday just because I went to Wendy’s instead of Chick-Fil-A.

The only thing that can be “Christian” is a human. Sorry. Not even your pets.

Well. Unless it’s a dog. Cause cats are going to hell. Every one of them. Except my cat, Riggins.

As I look back on my life … as I’m approaching 40 … there is something that really bothers me.

It’s the fact that I spent more time with people who look, act and live like me than anyone else.

And in the end, this creates a calloused life.

A life filled with safe and cautious, as opposed to risk and adventure.

As one who seeks to disturb and disrupt career Christians for the sake of seeing Christ’s face fresh again, I have to consistently challenge my status quo.

And getting out of your Christian bubble will turn your world upside-down and actually strengthen your reliance on Christ alone.