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Muslims vs. Christians—Is a Lack of Relationship to Blame?

For the last several years, I’ve conducted research (academically and personally) regarding the way Christians view Muslims. The results should concern people of different faiths committed to truth, understanding and dialogue. While it is easy (as I will demonstrate below) to mix up global Christianity and global Islam with North American Christianity and North American Islam …  my primary research interest has been in how the tension and stereotypes affect religious and cultural life in the U.S.

While Christians (2.5 billion) and Muslims (1.2 billion) make up about half the world’s population, the United States is less than 2 percent Muslim. That is, there are only about 3-6 million Muslims living in the U.S. There are more Detroit Tigers fans in the U.S. than there are Muslims.

The Muslim male portrayed in cartoon form is predictable. He is the one with sinister squinty eyes, large nose and kafiyya (Arab headdress) rubbing his hands, asking where he can get a pickup truck and a homemade bomb. Or he’s the one standing with a sign that reads Death to All American Infidels next to a minister whose sign reads Pray for Peace. Or he’s pointing to a chart that targets Manhattan, nursery schools, nursing homes and maternity wards, asking whether there are other nominations before the vote on which to bomb first.

“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who have been made in God’s likeness,” (3:9). My friend John Barton highlights the problem [1]:

Muslim/Christian interactions are often about as rational and helpful as what is depicted in the comedy routine between Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert on the Daily Show in which they argue over which religion is better. Like all good comedy, this piece entertains while it delivers a sharp indictment. It mocks the inappropriate ways Christians and Muslims often employ apologetics or “power encounter” tactics; it belies assumptions that Christian/Muslim interactions must involve political positioning and debates over superiority, or that the primary purpose of interactions is to address conflicting visions of salvation.

It also playfully critiques the idea that the only Christian/Muslim alliances that are possible are those built on the shared mistrust of a common opponent (e.g., Jews). As Christians, we need to promote a different posture for Christian reflection and missional engagement with Islam and our Muslim neighbors.

So go the stereotypes: The Christian is a wealthy middle-class white man who loves war, women, beer, NFL football, edgy comedy, fast-food and even faster cars. The Muslim is the poor, illiterate, angry simpleton who hates freedom, treats his wife harshly and longs for the day when the United States becomes a fully Muslim nation by way of Shari’ah Law. While the previous might be alarming, it captures prevailing stereotypes. According to C.A.I.R. (the Council on American Islamic Relations), American Muslims face daunting stereotypes in the country of their citizenship.[2]

Think about it. When is the last time you read a book, watched a movie or enjoyed a T.V. program in which a Muslim character was portrayed as honest, virtuous and heroic? As I was crafting this blog for Scot, I was reminded  of a tweet from a well-known musician (you can’t make this stuff up)[3]:

No wonder middle-east countries are hard to get along with:


No Football

No alcohol

No country music

And they don’t eat pork chops.