…We Got Words!

“Who needs action, when you got words!”  So sang Kurt Cobain in Nirvana’s rendition of the Meat Puppet’s song Plateau.

If there’s one thing that cultural Christians have, it’s words.  Though talk is cheap, lukewarm Christians place a higher value on talk over walk, creeds over deeds, and explanations over demonstrations.

CH Spurgeon urged Christ’s followers adopt the motto, “ACTA NON VERBA” (deeds not words) as our way of life.  I can think of at least four reasons why…

1.  Actions speak louder – when someone says one thing, and does another, which do you believe?  Our words (no matter how well intended) are trumped by our actions.

2.  Deeds are creeds – someone once said, “you only believe the parts of the Bible you obey.”  Scripture teaches that “Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins” (James 4:17, NIV).  Simply stated, if you don’t do it, you don’t really believe it.

3.  Word Becomes Flesh – Jesus Christ is the Word become flesh.  He lived out God’s truth through His flesh and blood, day to day life, in order to reveal who God really is and what He’s really like.  What’s true for Christ is true for Christ’s followers too.

4.  New Life Means New Works – Being a new creation in Christ is all about doing good works that God prepared for us to do…as Paul says it.

Jesus’ life is an example of words as the wings of our actions.  He did God’s will, and taught others.  He showed God’s love, and called for loving action.  He lived out God’s Kingdom, then invited others to join in.  God’s Kingdom is more than words!   

“For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power” – 1 Corinthians 4:20, ESV