Spiritual Spectatorship

I’m not sure if Spiritual Spectatorship is a word. Spell check says it is not.  Life says that it is.  When you hear the word spectator what do you think of?  Fans on the sideline?  Sitting on the couch?  Kicking back with a lemonade and watching your favorite team?  Watching HDTV?


For a great deal of my life, I was a Spiritual Spectator. I was someone who:

Let others fight my fights for me.
Let others get their hands dirty so I didn’t have to.
Watched people pray, but never really got into it.
Went to church, but never dared to be the church.
Was satisfied with being comfortable and safe.

Spiritual Spectatorship. Living on the sidelines of faith, watching the game pass us by. Standing on the banks of the river, afraid to jump in. Watching. Waiting. Scared of participating. Scared of being hurt again. Tragedy disguised as luxury.   Sad.  Real.

I probably don’t really know you and am not trying to judge. Only you can answer this question: Are you a Spiritual Spectator? Come on, be honest.

There are days where I totally am, posing as a spiritual participant. Today, I refuse to be a poser. I am digging in, as imperfect as I may be, with everything I have.  I’m not settling for being a spectator.  I’m opening my life up to others in community.  I’m engaging in prayer, even when it’s awkward.  I’m digging into the Scriptures, even when I don’t understand.  I’m going to share my story with someone today.

How about you?  Where are you?  On the sidelines or in the game?  What is keeping you from jumping in the river?  Love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!