Showing Up

A young Chinese girl bounded into our English conversation club last Sunday for the first time. We’ll call her Heather. We got chatting and I learned her aunt in China led an unofficial house church. Heather attended once but found it boring.

We’d just finished a simple discovery bible study with a small group of people from Iran, China, Korea and Hong Kong. Heather told me she wanted to know more about following Jesus. My wife Michelle is going to catch up with her this week.

Woody Allen said, “90% of success in life is just showing up.”

That afternoon I really would have preferred to be at home with a book. I was tired and late that night I was flying out to London.

I turned up. I met a young lady who wanted to learn how to follow Jesus. God had already been working in her life. He included me in the story of her salvation.

I wonder how many others are out there who we have never met and who need us just to show up?