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10 Ways The Internet Is Changing Outreach and Missions

At the end of the day, we’re called to be the instruments that God uses to change lives.

At times, it’s personally been a challenge to completely reconcile my unique gifts with how it could directly be applied in the transformative process of salvation.

But thank God for the Internet, where I’ve really found my niche and where I’ve been able to maximize my time, attention, and resources! Our God is truly an amazing God who can use 1’s and 0’s to impact His Kingdom.

Not convinced? Here are 10 ways, as counted by John Edmiston, that the Internet is changing evangelism and missions…

Evangelism, Missions, and the Internet

1. Information

The Internet is bringing an enormous amount of timely strategic information into the hands of even the smallest church or mission agency.

2. Ratiocination

People “think aloud” in cyberspace. The theology and practice (including ecclesiology and missiology) of most Christians is now primarily formed as a peer-to-peer online process with occasional expert input.

3. Exploration

People do their private, personal, and controversial thinking online. If a person wants to find out about a suspected medical matter or investigate a forbidden political opinion, they first check it out online.

4. Collaboration

The Internet is facilitating collaboration across denominational boundaries and across national borders. Experts are now able to link up with other experts in fields such as church planting and theological education.

5. Validation

People use the Internet to check things out. This applies to everything from a “too-good-to-be-true” investment scam to the local church they plan to attend when they move to a new city.