Home Pastors Free Resources for Pastors Free eBook: "Contending of Our All," by John Piper

Free eBook: "Contending of Our All," by John Piper

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Download this free eBook in PDF format, Contending for Our All: Defending Truth and Treasuring Christ in the Lives of Athanasius, John Owen, and J. Gresham Machen by John Piper.

From Desiring God, “Each of these men stood for the truth of the gospel in the face of intense opposition—all out of a deep love for Jesus and a desire for people to know him in his fullness. They took no joy in controversy for argument’s sake, and they were willing to suffer for the sake of guarding the sanctity of the gospel. Threats of harm, years of exile, the death of loved ones, opposition from friends and authorities, sickness and pain—none of these setbacks could keep these three from maintaining their efforts to further the gospel or quench their zeal for Jesus himself.”

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Resource provided by Desiring God 

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Daniel has been an editor with ChurchLeaders for several years. Daniel and his wife, along with an incredible team, helped plant Anchor City Church in San Diego—a third culture, multi-generational church who seeks to join the redemptive mission of God for our city and for the world. Daniel also serves on the advisory board of Justice Ventures International, a non-profit organization working to fight human trafficking and modern-day slavery around the world.