Home Pastors Articles for Pastors A Thousand Opportunities

A Thousand Opportunities

Most of us aren’t going to do anything spiritually impressive today.  At least not what we’d consider impressive.

Most of us aren’t going to speak at a conference or move to another nation to plant a church or give our lives as martyrs for Christ.  But most of us will have hundreds of opportunities to glorify God through ordinary obedience.

We may have an opportunity to delight in God’s Word and pray for his kingdom to come.  We may get an opportunity to bless instead of curse that driver behind us who lays on the horn when we hesitate at the green light.  We might have opportunities to serve our children by changing their diapers, making their breakfast, wiping their faces and hands, teaching them about Jesus, getting them dressed, picking up after them, reading them stories, taking them to the park, giving them baths.

We may have an opportunity to not join in the gossip in the break room or to rejoice when our boss is difficult.  We might have opportunity to encourage a friend.  Or an opportunity to put sin to death instead of giving in to lust or selfishness.  We may have an opportunity to humble ourselves and ask someone’s forgiveness.  We might have an opportunity to extend compassion to someone or pray for a neighbor.

We’ll probably have countless opportunities to rely on Jesus for strength, to thank him for his goodness, and to believe his Word rather than our circumstances.  We’ll probably have opportunities to be an example for others.  Opportunities to be kind, forbearing, and patient with others.  Opportunities to forgive and love.

Every day is filled with countless opportunities for ordinary obedience that brings much glory to God.  Opportunities to be faithful in little.  And though we might not consider all these acts of ordinary obedience to be very impressive, our Father doesn’t miss one, and he’s pleased with each one, and someday we’ll hear him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.  Enter into the joy of your master.”

Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of this day.  Help us seize every opportunity to glorify you all day today, till our heads hit the pillows, and we thank you for your grace and mercy in giving us another day to serve you and bless your name.