Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative Do You Want to Be Popular, or Do You Want to Be...

Do You Want to Be Popular, or Do You Want to Be a Leader?

Middle school and high school were miserable for me.

I desperately wanted to fit in and be liked by the popular kids.  But I was awkward, quiet, shy, and a little A LOT insecure.  I wanted so much to fit in that I stifled so much of who I was.

As a result, I never really made a mark with that season of my life. 

My fear of not being popular kept me from being who I was.  In looking back, I think if I had asserted myself and my natural leadership instincts, I might not only have been a good leader to my peers, I may have also gained some popularity along the way.

Because I stifled my uniqueness, I neutered myself from having any influence whatsoever.  I was neither popular nor a leader. 

Fast forward 20 years, and I still see the same tendencies in myself.  While I’m much more comfortable with the fact that being a leader is part of who God has created me to be, I still shrink back some days.  I still long to just fit in and be accepted.  I don’t want to be the one making all the difficult decisions all the time.  I want to blend into the crowd – the popular crowd, that is.

I want to be loved and accepted for who I am without actually being who I am.

It doesn’t work.

I can’t want to be liked more than I want to be who God has called me to be.

I can’t want to be known more than I want to do what’s right.

I can’t want to be popular more than I want to be a Godly leader.

So anytime I don’t feel like being the leader I need to be, all it takes is a flashback to my awkward 14-year-old self to remember that while I won’t always be popular, I’ll always be more comfortable being the leader God has called me to be.