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The Difference Between Consumers and Contributors

The second observation was stunning by comparison.

Hybels observed that while he had long believed the biggest chasm to be crossed was moving from Exploring to Growing in Christ, he had come to believe that the chasm between Close to Christ and Christ Centered was actually the toughest to cross.

See it? It’s the challenging gap between the belief that God wants to bless me in my endeavors and the willingness to set aside my own interests to join God in what He’s doing in the world.  

It’s the difference between a consumer and a contributor.

Where’s the Crowd-to-Core Wrinkle?

Here’s what I noticed. It’s in the question, “Where will my efforts make the biggest difference?”

Will I have more impact by focusing on helping attendees move from Close to Christ to Christ Centered? Or will I have a greater impact by focusing on the Growing in Christ stage, helping them become Close to Christ?

Admittedly, there needs to be effort at every transition. But…when it comes to emphasis…where should it be?

I know where it is for me. Do you?

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