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20 Tweets to Great Leadership

Someone emailed me recently and asked me for my “top 20 leadership tips”. They were doing a presentation on leadership and were asked to share 20 aspects of great leadership. The added catch. They needed something short they could expand upon, so they suggested I share them in “Twitter length.”

Didn’t they know I’m the guy who only has “7″ points in most posts?

I’m always up for a challenge though, so I wrote down the question and pondered it for a couple weeks. I added a few at a time. Then I sat down to compile the list.

Here are my top 20 leadership tips in Twitter length:

Build people – People are your greatest asset as a leader.

Grow personally – You can’t take people where you aren’t going.

Direction matters – You’ll likely end up where you pointed yourself.

Surrender methodology – Care more about accomplishing a worthy vision than how you do.

Empower people – Give people real responsibility and real authority.

Keep learning – When you stop learning…you stop.

Renew your passion often – Keep reminding yourself why you do what you do.

Learn to rest – So you can always do your best.

Value the word “No” – You can only do what you can do. Trying to do more lowers efficiency.

Prioritize each day – Make every moment count.

Let failure build you – It’s the best way to gain experience.

Be honest with yourself and others – What you hide will often trip you fastest.

Know your weaknesses – Everyone else already does.

Listen more than you speak – You’ll learn more and make others feel valued.

Serving others brings joy – Giving back is the greatest vehicle to fulfillment in life.

Humility is attractive – People love realness and want to be around people who are.

Be intentional – Nothing really great happens without it.

Reject apathy – You’ll be tempted to settle for mediocrity. Don’t do it.

Protect character – More than you try to protect your reputation. Do this one and you’ll gain the other.

Applaud others – Louder than you “toot your own horn”.

Feel free to Tweet one or two of them…they’re Twitter length.