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Letter to a (Real Life) Hurting Pastor

4. Pastor, we are servants of the King and His Kingdom but we are not without value ourselves.

Even a slave should have his needs met. Churches will unwittingly take as much life from a pastor as he is willing to give. People are needy but we are people too. Don’t forget self-care. You and I are among colleagues who seldom seek health care or spiritual care for us. It doesn’t honor God to focus so much on others that we let ourselves burnout.    

5. Pastor, teach on the subject of pastoral care but be careful how to do it.

Early in ministry, a mentor advised me wisely to take care every sermon is a “we” thing not a “you” thing. A sermon titled “You chumps don’t know how to care for a pastor to save your life” is probably not a good idea and won’t be effective. Whereas a series of sermons on the topic of community care in the Church which includes teaching on pastoral care and concerns may be effective. Educate them on this subject with some degree of subtlety for, as most pastors have discerned, it’s altogether too easy to look self-serving in the pastorate.

Highlight biblical passages where it is seems obvious that a person’s faith is connected to how they think about the church and its leaders. Look at the example in Acts 16 of the Philippian Jailer: “At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his family were baptized.” (Acts 16:33 NIV84)  After he received faith he cared for the Lord’s servants. Perhaps bring in a guest speaker to talk on this subject. It is not selfish to help the body of Christ understand that healthy pastors make for healthier churches. Pastoral health is good for the kingdom and therefore it matters. 

While the pastoral journey is a long and arduous pilgrimage, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Pastors do get a lot of blame they don’t deserve and little of the credit they do deserve. We need to care for ourselves and the body needs to appreciate the work of their pastor.  However, at the end of the day, all of the glory belongs to the Lord. Pastor, sincerely, earnestly, cast your cares upon Him. (Matthew 11:28-30)