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Republican or Democrat? Putting Hope Beyond Red or Blue

These things remain: God’s Kingdom exists anywhere believers are choosing love and grace and reckless obedience; it is undeterred by a red or blue context.

Sisters and brothers in Christ will vote differently, because as we all must, we simply have to choose between two platforms that each include some Gospel-centric policies and others that contradict. Either way, we will swallow some ideologies that belie the message of Jesus.

Regardless, God is still on His throne, and our true allegiance rests in His sovereignty. Four or eight years of an administration cannot compromise the historical work of a holy God.

If discipleship means loving the broken, then love the broken.

If following Jesus means abandoning our rights, then abandon them.

If you care about the sanctity of life, then devote yourself to its care—womb to grave.

If you worry about the vulnerable, then give your life away for them.

If Scripture tells us perfect love drives out fear, then it does. 

If your trust is in a Servant Savior, then put it there and leave it there.

As children of God, we should be unthreatened by secular power. The Law was never able to bring redemption, and it is still insufficient to make all things new.

The healing and hope and goodness we long for is realized fully in Jesus, extended through His people despite hardship or distance or the passage of time or the changing of guards. No political party can see it through or take it away. It was finished on the cross, and the discussion is over.

So may we deal kindly with one another in a manner befitting the Bride, as a people who loosely engage the system of the day, retaining our prophetic voice and refusing to malign one another for a false kingdom that will soon pass away. May we preach Jesus crucified and risen, the only hope of the world. And whether we vote red or blue, may we reach across the lines, join hands and proclaim: 

“To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.” ~Romans 16:27