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Why God Does Not Want to Be Proven

That last question is actually the important one.

No matter what we want to believe, no matter how much evidence there is or how much it demands a verdict, when it comes down to the barest essence of faith, faith is what we are left with because God cannot be unquestionably proven. And that’s good for apologists because it keeps them in business, arguing about the “proofs” for God.

Introverted God?

In the story of Elijah, he goes to a mountaintop to find God.

While Elijah is standing on the mountain, a hurricane wind comes through, but the Bible says God was not in the wind. Next, a powerful earthquake strikes, but God is not in the earthquake. And then a fire consumes the countryside, but God is not in the fire either.

Finally, Elijah hears a “still small voice.” He may have had to cup his hand to his ear or lean down toward the ground to hear it.

That was God.

Not a hurricane, not an earthquake, not an inferno, none of the loud, noisy, destructive, infallible “proofs” were God.

God was a barely audible whisper.

It makes me think maybe God’s actually an introvert.

Sure, He sent fire down for Elijah once, but when He actually speaks, He’s so quiet, Elijah might have missed it if he wasn’t listening. That’s pretty comforting since my wife and I are introverts.