Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 6 Things Pastors Forget About the Rest of Us

6 Things Pastors Forget About the Rest of Us

I love my work. I get to build churches. Over the years I’ve become aware of just how different church environments are from any other work environment. 

Lately, it seems churches have become really good at developing high-quality work environments. In fact, some of you are working in your city’s “best places to work.”

For the rest of us, things might be a little bit different.

Here are 6 Things Pastors Forget About the Rest of Us:

1. We’re Fat.

58 million overweight; 40 million obese; 3 million morbidly obese.

Eight out of 10 over-25s overweight.

When we wake up in the morning, we don’t see what God created. We see something less than … and we’re using a scale with a number on it to quantify our real worth.

The obesity cycle looks just like the cycle of sin. See something, take something, hide and repeat.

If we don’t feel good about what we see in the mirror, how likely are we to share with others the One who created what we see in the mirror?

2. We’re In Debt.

More than 40 percent of U.S. families spend more than they earn.

Americans carry, on average, $8,400 in credit card debt.

The solution to this problem isn’t talking less about money … it’s talking more about how freedom feels when you treat your money the way God instructed us. If you teach on this with our best interest in mind, you can’t lose.

3. We Hate Our Jobs.

Employee surveys show that more than 65 percent of workers are not satisfied with their job.

These numbers are consistent over a wide variety of professions, and the studies were performed with massive amounts of people to validate the results. Most people don’t ever get the opportunity to know their work changed eternity for someone.

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Richard Chancy began his career in the financial services industry as an investment manager for Edward Jones & Solomon Smith Barney. In the late 90’s he was invited to join John C. Maxwell at Injoy where he served as Executive Director of Client Development and lead the sales teams for the Catalyst Conference & Chick Fil A Leadercast. During this season Richard discovered his desire to ignite passion in God’s people to reach the world for Christ. As a church building coach and partner in www.24toDouble.org, he’s combining his experience working in a first class leadership organization with what he learned in the world’s largest brokerage firms to be part of what God is doing through His Church. Richard spends his days working with, for, and on the local church helping them create & leverage disruptive environments.