Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Why Leaders Need a Stop-Doing List: 4 Keys

Why Leaders Need a Stop-Doing List: 4 Keys

3. Is there long-term sustainability?

This is a big question. In your 20s and 30s the tendency is to blow past these questions and just keep taking on more.

But eventually, we all have to pause and ask ourselves if the place our leadership has taken us is killing us and even hindering the organization we serve.

We have to evaluate for long-term sustainability and health for ourselves and for those with whom we serve.

4. Who am I afraid to disappoint?

The reason I’m having trouble with some of my stop-doing list is because everything you stop doing will inevitably disappoint someone.

It is the fear of not wanting to disappoint others that has kept me doing things I should have let go of a long time ago. Naming these fears and being honest about them has helped a lot.

For me, it all goes back to answering the first question of where we believe God is leading the church I serve. In the end, he’s the ultimate one I don’t want to disappoint.

These are some questions I’m asking as I’m working on my list, but I encourage you to make your own. Like me, you may find this incredibly challenging, but also liberating.

The stop-doing list may be the most important list you make this year!