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Ed Young to Preach 40 Days from Glass Box in Times Square

Ed Young, the founding and senior pastor of Fellowship Church in Dallas, Texas, will be preaching from a glass box in Times Square for 40 days to promote his new book, Get in the Box! this May. 

“Some people want to think ‘outside of the box,’” Ed Young told Fox News, “but I want to encourage people to think ‘inside the box.’” The new book encourages people to get back to the basics of Christianity through prayer and Bible study and to “stop trying so hard to be gimmicky” in their Christianity. 

This, of course, is a follow up to Young’s last book campaign where he preached for an entire week on sexual intimacy from a bed on the roof of the church. In the new box campaign, Young will be given food and water through a small portal, and he will be allowed two bathroom breaks a day — one in the morning, one in the evening — but for the bulk of the time he will be preaching during the day and late into the evening. 

As people walk by, they will be encouraged to write prayer requests on sticky-notes and stick them to the glass box for others to see. Strangers will also be invited into the box to chat about their faith and receive encouragement from Young.

When asked how he will manage to do this for 40 days, Young said, “God gave prophets like Ezekiel and Jeremiah the strength to do extreme things to get the word out. I don’t think this will be any different. I don’t want the attention, really, I just want to preach … in a glass box, to millions!”

Who will preach at Fellowship Church during the Box Campaign? “I’m still continuing with my pastoral duties at Fellowship,” Young says. He will be preaching via live, streaming video from Times Square on the basics of Christianity in a four-week series titled, “Get Back in the Box!” 

Of course, Young’s campaign has its critics, but for the most part, the responses from other pastors are, “Errr,” and “Whaa.” And, “This has to be an April Fool’s joke.”

And they would be correct.