Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 10 Megachurch Myths

10 Megachurch Myths

7. Large churches are cold and impersonal.

Large churches can’t be impersonal and cold. Think about it: They wouldn’t be large if they were!

Most large churches are, in fact, exceptionally friendly. They work on it with enormous intentionality, doing everything they can to serve first-time guests at every point of need.

They throw open the doors every weekend with guests in mind, often with entire ministries devoted to the guest experience. From this, they can teach many churches how to exude a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

8. Large churches have abandoned orthodoxy in order to get warm bodies.

There is a difference between what is said and how it is said; between the method and the message.

Most large churches are actually very conservative theologically; they have simply removed certain cultural barriers in areas related to method, style or communication strategy in order to connect with contemporary hearts and minds.

Churches that might be bound more to traditionalism than authentic tradition would be well served to see this dynamic in play.