When Vision Fails

A clear vision assists us in preparing for a clear future.

Vision plans do evolve and grow. When this occurs, we must develop a growth plan beyond our original intent while staying focused on the original purpose.

This is not to say that we cannot diversify or expand. However, we must preserve the purpose of our existence.  

In my experience, it is at the growth stage where the leaders begin to drift. So my suggestion is to use the original vision as the guideline to create a plan for perpetual growth.

Failure to plan your future makes you its victim!

A great vision must include:

1. Clarity—the vision must be clear and reviewed regularly.

2. Passion—if you have no vision, you will suffer a lack of passion.

3. Direction—without a vision, you truly never know what to do.

4. Planning—futuring is a huge part of vision fulfillment. 

5. Resources—perpetual vision births perpetual provision.

6. Purpose—no vision means no clear purpose for your life.

7. Review—with no re-view we suffer loss of sight and direction.

When you lose sight of the vision, you lose sight of the destination.

We do not have to suffer from vision drift.


Review your vision consistently.

Renew your mind regularly.

Reframe your vision presentation continually.

This will protect us from (VDS) Vision Drift Syndrome.

Would love to hear from you what defines a great vision. Add to my list above.

You comments are solicited and appreciated.