Home Pastors Articles for Pastors The Difference Between Pastors and Worship Leaders

The Difference Between Pastors and Worship Leaders

If you’ve been leading worship for a while, you already know that you and your senior pastor are very different people.

The uniqueness between you two is God-given and can create some pretty amazing things for the congregation, but you’d do well to remember that what you do is very different from each other.

One of the biggest differences between you and your pastor involves Sunday afternoons. Understanding this difference can help you and your pastor encourage and pray for one another specifically regarding the challenges each of you face.

How you both feel and react on a Sunday afternoon (or anytime “after” you’ve served in corporate worship) has to do with tension. Where you carry your tension impacts your physical and emotional reactions on Sunday afternoon.

Intrigued? See if this makes sense:

Worship Leader: Lead Up Tension.

Where it lives.

If you do a mid-week rehearsal (and you should), all of your tension lives in the lead up to the service. Because you’ve rehearsed a few days prior, you know all the problem areas: Maybe rehearsal started late and you didn’t have time to really work the last song or maybe the band’s having trouble hearing each other on a specific transition, etc. So you leave rehearsal and you live with that tension until Sunday.

How it’s resolved.

When you finish leading worship on Sunday, you’re immediately relieved, right? If the set went great, you feel like a million bucks. If the set went poorly, you’re glad it’s over with. Most Sundays, we’re ecstatic that everything happened without falling apart in front of a group of people.

How it affects you.

Sunday afternoons are party time. You wanna go out to eat or go home and watch TV with the family. In short, you want to celebrate because you did it and it’s over! Even if it didn’t go well on Sunday, you want to rest and rejoice a bit because you’re an optimist and next Sunday’s gonna be super awesome.