Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Tattoos, Football and Excellence in Ministry

Tattoos, Football and Excellence in Ministry

Everything we do is a reflection of who we are and who we worship.

If God gave us His best in Jesus, shouldn’t we desire to give our best back to Him and those we serve through our work?

Excellence is defined as “The quality of being outstanding or extremely good.”

Whether you flip burgers, mop floors, work as an executive at a Fortune 500 company, or serve on the hospitality team at your local church, do it with excellence!

Like a talented tattoo artist, imprint your ‘divine design’ at your workplace with such excellence that God will be glorified!

I want to share five characteristics of excellence that helped me become an NFL player and now infuse me with strength as a pastor and leader.

1. People who are excellent at their jobs are PASSIONATE about what they do.

It’s impossible to be remarkable at your job if you’re not passionate about what you’re doing. Passion is a dynamic quality that adds flavor and life to a task.

Passion doesn’t allow you to do anything subpar.

Passion compels you to put your best foot forward, especially when no one is looking.

Are you passionate about what you’re doing?  If not, why? What will you do differently?

2. People who are excellent at their job are LEARNERS.

If you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s next to impossible for you to be excellent at your job.

I was a better NFL player in my fifth year than in my first year. Why?  Because I studied and learned the details and nuances of the game. This translated into better performance.

Are you learning the details of your job?  Are you putting in the extra effort to be excellent at what you do? If not, why? What will you do differently?