Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 4 in 10 Americans Read the Bible Digitally

4 in 10 Americans Read the Bible Digitally

According to the Washington Examiner, more and more people are switching to digital means to read the Word, even though 88 percent of Americans own at least one Bible. Results of a recent survey by the American Bible Society show that 41 percent of Americans use the Internet to read Scripture on a computer. Twenty-nine percent have done a search through Scripture on a cell phone, and 17 percent say they read the Bible on their Kindle or iPad. The most searched version of the Bible was the King James Version, preferred 38 percent and much more than the New King James (14 percent).

“The data shows a continual shift to digital content. The number of Bible readers who use their smart phone or cell phone to search for Bible content has increased each year,” said the Society. “Use of Internet to find Bible content has also increased.”

Other survey findings show that 77 percent of Americans say morality is declining, and a third of them blame the lack of Bible engagement. Two-thirds of Americans say teaching the Bible in public schools is important, but over half say “the Bible and politics do not mix.” Over 20 percent say the Bible should be taken literallly.