Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 15 Things the Church Needs to Do in 2015

15 Things the Church Needs to Do in 2015

11. Stop the bodies-in-the-pews game. There is more to being a ministry of God than painstakingly counting bodies in the pews. This is does not mean people who are missing are unimportant—it means the church needs to stop defining itself by numbers physically in attendance. What if we worried about how many lives we have touched instead of the number of people that come on Sunday morning?

12. Pray for … everything. Patience, peace, mercy, safety, movement of the spirit, direction. Start praying and never stop. The church, the world and our souls need it.

13. Increase giving. It takes faith to increase giving even during good financial stability, but even more when it times are tough. Have faith, take courage and step out and increase the giving of the church. It doesn’t have to be much, but it has to be some. Watch what happens when a little is given in faith.

14. Decrease complaining. Yes, there is a lot to do and few workers to do it. The budget may have its pitfalls and attendance is not what it once was 40 years ago, but that doesn’t mean we have to let it affect us and our life. We have a lot to be thankful for. Attitude is important—especially in the church. If people are always complaining—especially about insignificant things—then this will spill over to all parts of the church.

15. Don’t give up on the church. I know what Christ said—that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church—but there are times when this feels untrue. People from all walks of life have been shunned from or have run out on a congregation for differing beliefs or theological styles. As the body of Christ we need to remember that the church is made up of imperfect people who are trying to do the will of God. While we might not like the direction the church is heading, we cannot give up on it. God has never given up on us—let’s not give up on God.  

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Rev. Evan M. Dolive is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Rev. Evan also is the author of evandolive.com as well as contributor to [D]mergent (dmergent.org) and Sojourners Magazine (sojo.net). He is also writing a book to be published by The Pilgrim Press (publishing house of the United Church of Christ) in 2015. He enjoys teaching, preaching, keynote speaking, leading small groups and being with his wife and three children. Follow him on social media: @RevEvanDolive on Twitter and facebook.com/evandoliveauthor. He can be reached via email at evan@evandolive.com or evandolive.com/speaking.