Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Where Are All the Godly Men?

Where Are All the Godly Men?

Hashtags are very popular now-a-days, aren’t they? This is funny: I tagged the word “godly” in a tweet on our Twitter account the other day and 80 percent of the tweets that were posted under the tag “godly” said “where are all the godly men at?” Then I did a Google search on the question. And I realized there were thousands of girls who were wondering the same thing.

So where are all the godly men?

Well in answer to that question, I wrote this article.

The answers in all the articles I found were about how pastors, mentors or parents could “fix the men” and their problems by talking to the boys and men about how to help them. The rest of the articles were how girls could find a Christian guy. The whole time I was thinking to myself “those poor guys!”

If we are to help the men at all, girls will need to respect the men and treat them like men. We cannot go on asking them “why aren’t you godlier?” This only demeans them and robs them of respect and honor. The question alone hurts and weakens the men in our generation.

We must make them feel needed and strong. We will need to step down from the commanding feminist role that women have been so long engaged in and give the leading role back to the men who are under God and God alone.

Every good Christian girl is wondering, “Where are the manly men in this world?” “Are there men out there besides the high-school boys who are just after drama and media?” “Are there men who love the Lord and want to raise a family like me, and if so, then where are they?”

Well, girls, I’m sorry I have to be the one to break the news to you, but it’s not the boys that are missing. It’s you. What?! Bear with me. Godly men are out there, but it’s not up to you to find them. It’s not up to you to know where they are. It’s not even your place to ask where they are! Because by asking you are failing the test; the test of faith given to all single girls (by God) asking them to entrust their hearts and futures into His wise and all powerful hands.

Would you be able to trust God with your future? With your relationship? With your life?

It might be that you are not called or meant to be married. It’s up to God. I know that’s a scary thought for some women, and to be honest, it scares me too. But what if God has called you to that lifestyle? Would you still have faith in God? Would you still choose to follow Him, or would you abandon your convictions, compromise your godly lifestyle and seek out a man without God’s help? (Food for thought)