Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 5 Marks of True Contentment

5 Marks of True Contentment

In his book The Art of Divine Contentment, Thomas Watson described five characteristics of a contented heart. I have found these to be both challenging and instructive in my own pursuit of contentment. I interact with his observations, update some language and quote a fair bit below.

A contented spirit is a silent spirit

With reference to God, the one who is content is not complaining against God, he does not grumble and murmur. Watson observes, “When Samuel tells Eli that heavy message from God, that he would “judge his house, and that the iniquity of his family should not be purged away with sacrifice forever” (1 Sa. 3. 13,14), doth Eli murmur or dispute? No, he hath not one word to say against God: “It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good.” On the other hand, Pharaoh, one who did not know God and therefore was discontent said, “Who is the Lord?” Why should I suffer all this? Why should I be brought into this low condition? “Who is the Lord?” Remember well the distinction between complaining to God and complaining about God. When we complain to God we are bringing our problems and vices and crying out to God for wisdom, grace and help. When we are complaining about God we are attacking his character. This is ungodliness at its core. When Aaron’s sons were judged and killed he “held his peace” (Lev. 10:3). He was silent. However, when Jonah was grumbling before God, God asked him, “Do you do well to be angry?” (Jon. 4:4). You can see the difference here of contentment. Silence is a reflection of peaceful trust—even amid circumstances that are difficult to understand. While anger, grumbling and complaining represent inner turmoil and a lack of trust in God. How would others describe you? Are you more apt to speak out and give vent to your frustrations with others and God? Or are you inclined to hold your peace and see the Lord in the situation?

A contented spirit is a cheerful spirit

Contentment is more than patience (though it is not less). It involves a cheerfulness of the soul. “A contented Christian is more than passive; he doth not only bear the cross, but take up the cross.” This is why Paul can be sorrowful yet always rejoicing (2 Cor. 6:10). He can be content in his sufferings even when they are so difficult (2 Cor. 12:10). He doesn’t just say, “the will of the Lord be done,” but he says “rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice” (Phil. 4:4). Watson rightly quipped, God loves a cheerful giver but he also loves a cheerful liver. When we are content with our lot in Christ then we have the ground of cheerfulness within us. We carry our pardon sealed in our very hearts. Could you be accused of being cheerful, even amid difficulty?