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Position Yourself for Leadership

It’s a strange phenomenon…I’ve seen people serve in leadership roles who I didn’t think were the most qualified to lead, yet they are leading well and people are following. And, many times, they are achieving great results…

The reason is not their abilities as much as the way they have positioned or presented themselves to a group of followers.

The opposite is equally true. I have seen people who have positions where they are to be the leader but no one seems to be following.

That’s because of one principle of leadership:

Leaders posture themselves as leaders…

  • They seem to be in control, or they take control…
  • They aren’t afraid to take a risk…
  • They are willing to go first…
  • They have battle-scarred hands from life experience…
  • They are still dreaming when everyone else is settling for mediocrity…
  • They have the latest information…
  • They appear to have a plan…
  • They have impeccable character and integrity…
  • They hold a big vision…

You may not have all the answers, you may even be fooling yourself at times, but if you are postured to lead…others will follow…

Consider your leadership posture…would you want to follow you?

What do you look for in a person you will consider following?