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Fixing Your Idea Model

Talking about tweaking your idea model if it’s not working…


In 2000, Jimmy Wales launched an online encyclopedia called Nupedia.com that solicited entries from experts who were qualified to write authoritatively. But by the sixth month, Jimmy had secured only 20 entries.

In an attempt to “turn the tumblers” and find a more successful model, Jimmy opened the entries to anyone – no credentials needed – and the rest is history.

You know this second version as Wikipedia.

If your idea isn’t taking off like you thought it would, don’t lose heart. Some of the greatest ideas in history came after failed attempts. Picasso created over 20,000 works of art in his lifetime, and you haven’t seen most of them because they sucked.

Don’t be quick to throw out your dream if it doesn’t work the first time. It could very well be that you’re one or two tumblers away from a breakthrough success.