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Great Singleness, Great Marriage & Great Sex

So this past Sunday we had a blast talking about “Sex In The Church” part one!

Some might ask, “why in the world would you talk about something that sensitive on a Sunday?”  Two reasons…

#1 – THE BIBLE talks about it…A LOT!  And…

#2 – We live in a society consumed by it!

I could take this blog article to review Sunday’s message…but you can watch or listen to it on your own if you want…what I would love to do is simply offer one piece of advice that, if applied, will make your single life more focused, your marriage greater and your sex life within marriage something that is enjoyable.

Here it is…


I know…simple…and probably not what you wanted to hear…but it’s true, when you make it about you then you are the object of your worship…and that always goes bad, always!

If you are single then STOP telling God you are single (HE KNOWS)…embrace this season, ask the Lord to grow you and show you the areas where you need to be a better follower of Him…and for Him to prepare you for your future mate.  (Seriously…if God were to give you to your future mate right now would they say, “thank you Jesus” OR “why me Lord?”)

If you are married then STOP trying to point out all of the flaws and fallacies in your spouse and instead ask the Lord to reveal what is wrong in YOU so that YOU can make the changes YOU need to make.  Any fool can point out what they think is wrong with someone else…it takes a real man and/or real woman to come face to face with their own shortcomings and wrestle through them.

Asking the Lord to refine and shape you as a single WILL make you a better spouse.

Asking the Lord to refine and shape you (instead of telling Him about all that is wrong with your spouse) will make you a better husband/wife.

And when that happens the intimacy level in a marriage can exceed expectations!

Simple thought…hard to apply…but SO worth it.