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Keeping the Missions Flame Alive

It’s Monday the day after our National Conference on the theme, Finish the Mission. I slept till 9, got up, went to the gym with Noël, came home, opened my Bible, read two chapters and fell asleep till 12:30. Then we went on our day-off date to Baja Sol.

When I came home, I felt the burden to speak to those of you who stood up in the last session declaring that you either knew God was calling you to cross-cultural missions, or you felt a strong stirring that you thought was God’s leading and were willing follow till he stopped you.

We didn’t count, but what an upsurge of goers rose to their feet in that moment!

The burden I feel now is how to help you keep the flame burning—for a lifetime. So I got out my iPhone, set up the tripod and made this video in my study a few minutes ago. The content is simply four kinds of kindling you can throw daily on the fire of your commitment to cross-cultural missions.

May God use it to keep the flame burning—till he comes, or till he calls.