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Top 5 Most Misused Bible Verses

Misused Bible Verse #5. Where There’s No Vision…

Where there is no vision the people perish, but happy is he who keeps the law.Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

Your church will not perish without a vision statement. I think vision statements are fantastic—and helpful, but this passage isn’t a divine reminder for pastors to build a better brand direction.

This verse is often used to remind leaders that if they don’t have a compelling vision, and dream big, their people will be lost. The key word in this passage, “vision,” is actually the word revelation and it points to the Word of God or the revelation of God.

In other words, a more accurate interpretation could be: Where there is no revealed Word of God the people perish, but happy is he who obeys God’s Word.

This verse is a great picture of what happened in Nehemiah. The people rediscovered the Word of God and read it for everyone to hear and understand. The result: revival. It had nothing to do with Nehemiah’s catchy core values or the Venn diagram of his mission statement—it was the Word of God that brought life to the people.

So, this passage isn’t necessarily apropo for the building project or the five-year plan for your life center, but it is a fitting reminder that God’s Word gives us life—especially when we obey it.

What misused Bible verses would you add to the list?