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Mark Driscoll: The 9 "C's" of Building a Leadership Team

You can’t put just anyone on your ministry leadership team; it takes specific qualities, gifts and callings to build a successful team. Here are nine factors to keep in mind as you choose people to help you lead.

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with a young pastor who was trying to figure out how to put together a good and godly leadership team for his ministry.

He had some great questions, and during our conversation, some thoughts rolled out that may be helpful to share here on Resurgence. Here are nine areas to think through as you consider leaders for your leadership team:

1. Conversion

Do they belong to Jesus? This may seem obvious, but it is imperative that any ministry leader demonstrates the attributes of one truly born again. I cannot overstate how important it is to get to know a potential leader in order to see that they know and love Jesus.

2. Calling

Is this potential leader clearly called not only to ministry, but also to your specific ministry and their specific role in it? Someone who is called by God will have a God-given perseverance and resilience.

3. Confirmation

Do godly people who know the candidate well confirm the leader’s love for Jesus and calling by God for ministry? Do they affirm that the leader is ready to begin leading and fulfill the demands of the role at hand?

4. Character

Does the person show evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit in and through them? Though they are not perfect, do they have godly character and are they growing in Christ-like character?

Is this potential leader clearly called not only to ministry, but also to your specific ministry and their specific role in it?

5. Competency

Can this person do the job? Simply put, do they have the skills that the role requires? Can you help train them to do it well, or are they good people heading for a bad fit because the role does not match their abilities?

6. Capacity

Can the potential leader carry the load of responsibility that you need them to carry, or will it be too much for them?

7. Chemistry

How well does the person get along with the other team members? Are they friendly toward one another, or is there relational conflict or coldness?

Does the person show evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit in and through them?

8. Courage

Will this potential leader hang in there when times get tough out of a genuine love for Jesus and the people being ministered to?

9. Care

Does the candidate care for the leaders over them, the leaders alongside them and people under their care?

There is no perfect team or leader. We are all works in progress, so grace, patience and encouragement go a long way. Likewise, prayer and wisdom from the Holy Spirit help us learn from our mistakes in humility. But if we overlook these nine key attributes, it is not helpful for the prospective leader or the team.