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Articles for Small Group Leaders

Keys to Small Group Evangelism

What are the bridges of God? How does the gospel spread via small group evangelism to a lost and dying world? Donald McGavran wrote...

Summer Fellowship Is Strengthened in Small Groups

Many small groups tend to “take a break” for the summer, meeting for times of summer fellowship and fun. Why not encourage your small group members to make it a “Summer of Purpose?”

How to Pray for an Hour in Your Small Group

How to pray for an hour in yor small group? Challenge them! Spend ten minutes praying about each of the six topics in this article.

2 Ways To Build Bridges to God

What are the bridges of God? How does the gospel spread from my small group to a lost and dying world?

The Doubling Group Movement – A Worthy Goal

We can reach our nation for God with an army of small group leaders like you who long to see a doubling group movement. We can reach our nation for Christ.

7 Easy Ways to Put a ‘Not Welcome’ Sign on Your Church

None of us would put a "not welcome" sign on our church doors on purpose. Yet I’m certain that some of our practices make people feel distinctly unwelcome. Here are some of them.

When a Bad Group Launch Is Worse Than No Small Group Launch

In case you haven’t discovered this: nothing happens in December expect for Christmas. This small group launch planning can apply to Easter as well.

Should Doubling Your Group Be the Goal?

Doubling groups is a worthy goal. Here is why. There is no discplemaking without small groups. It is the way Jesus did it.

It’s Noisy Out There: Why We Need Intergenerational Community

Our kids are being raised in a time where, if left to their own devices, they would rarely interact with generations beyond theirs. The noise is deafening. And the need for intergenerational community is great.

Grow Bigger by Growing Smaller

We have often said that as we grow bigger, we also want to grow smaller. So instead of building a massive central facility and forcing people to drive there, we encourage people to stay where you are, serve where you live and be the church in your community.  Find out more about how to grow bigger.

9 Reasons Life Groups Go South

Some life groups are terrible because nobody talks. Others are terrible because no matter what the topic is some dude brings the whole discussion back to his hobby horse. Others make you want to hit yourself in the face with a 2 x 4.

Too Much Success? 4 Ideas for Subgrouping Your Small Group

Bigger isn’t always better, especially when it comes to small groups! The challenge remains: how can we make our big-sized groups smaller? Why not encourage your small groups to give subgrouping a try?

Jesus Community: The Goal of Every Church and Small Group

Jesus created community that stood in contrast to the popular versions of community at the time. Often our small group visions fall short of Jesus community in similar ways.

Vital Questions for Small Group Leaders

So goes the leader, so goes the small group! So start your meeting with your small group leaders by asking two or three questions like these.

3 Characteristics of a Healthy Cell

It has been said that only healthy cells multiply, which is a truth both from a biological and ecclesiastical point of view. But what are the characteristics of a healthy cell?

8 Objections to Leading Small Groups (And How to Overcome Them)

If people had no objections to leading small groups, your job would be very easy. They would just line up and sign up to lead a group.

3 Essentials to Building Gospel Community in Small Groups

Gospel Community is a Christian buzzword, usually referring to a group of Christ followers that care for one another, but the scriptures expand on this definition to cast a vision for community that can truly change the world.

Dinner Church, Anyone?

Gathering around a table, sharing a meal, worshiping and studying The Word. What could be better than dinner church?

How to Set Your Small Group Launch Up for Success

If your sermon series are aligned with a small group launch, then when do you recruit group leaders? And, when do you form groups?

35 Great Small Groups Questions to Evaluate Your Leadership

I recently asked for suggestions for good questions group leaders could use to evaluate your small group. Boy, did I get some great ideas!

John Lindell Calls Mark Driscoll To Repent for ‘Trying To Destroy...

During an evening service on Wednesday (April 17), Pastor John Lindell of James River Church in Ozark, Missouri, accused controversial Pastor Mark Driscoll of attempting to sow division in Lindell's family.

Rebecca McLaughlin on Whether Christians Can Agree To Disagree About Same-Sex...

Dr. Rebecca McLaughlin joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can respond to common arguments that use the Bible to affirm same-sex relationships, the “why” behind God’s design for marriage, and the “beautiful and glorious vision” Christianity has for friendship.

Articles for Small Group Leaders