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What It Takes to Lead a Mega Cell Church

We’ve been blogging here on JCG about the benefits of large mega cell churches. But what does it take to lead such a church? Here are a few requirements I’ve noticed:

  • A gifted, talented senior pastor. Some lead pastors come to mind: Mario Vega, David Cho, Larry Stockstill, Werner Kniessel, and Dion Roberts. One special gift / talent of lead pastors of mega cell churches is their ability to preach. People are attracted to the celebration services because of their effective preaching ministry. Cell ministry allows the church to grow in quality and quantity, but the senior pastor’s preaching ministry is a key factor.
  • An administrative structure that is ever expanding. The lead pastor of a mega cell church must be willing to delegate. He is able to raise up and trust an ever-increasing team of pastors to do the ministry. Mega church senior pastors coach the pastors of the church. The senior leader’s confident delegation is an essential principle in mega cell churches.
  • A large meeting place. Granted some cell churches promote sattelite churches, but all of the large cell churches I know have at least one large central meeting place.

I love mega cell churches, but there are very few of them in the world today. Why? Very few pastors have the necessary incredients to lead a mega cell church. Few have the talent of David Cho or Mario Vega, for example. Second, it’s becoming harder and harder to obtain land and build large mega cell churches in the world today. Even renting space for such a large crowd can be exceedingly difficult.

We need to praise God for the large, growing cell churches in the world today. Yet, most cell churches will be smaller, simpler, and more reproducible. Next week we will explore the benefits of smaller, multiplying cell churches.



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Translation into Spanish:

Requisitos de las Mega Iglesias Celulares

por Joel Comiskey

Hemos estado escribiendo aquí en JCG sobre los beneficios de las grandes Mega iglesias celulares. Pero ¿qué se necesita para dirigir una iglesia? Aquí algunos requisitos:

Un pastor dotado, y talentoso. Algunos pastores que lideran vienen a la mente como: Mario Vega, David Cho, Larry Stock-still, Werner Kniessel, y Roberts Dion. Los Pastores de la mega  iglesia celular son grandes predicadores. Las personas son atraídas a los servicios de celebración por el ministerio de la predicación eficaz de estos pastores. El Ministerio de células permite que la iglesia crezca en calidad y cantidad, pero el ministerio del pastor principal es un factor clave.

Una estructura administrativa que está en constante expansión. El pastor principal de las mega-iglesias celulares están dispuestos a delegar. Son capaces de levantar a un equipo y la confianza cada vez mayor de los pastores a hacer el ministerio. Pastores de la Mega iglesia entrenan a los pastores de la iglesia. La Delegación confiada del alto dirigente es un principio esencial en las mega iglesias celulares.

Un lugar de encuentro de gran tamaño. Por supuesto algunas iglesias celulares promueven iglesias satélites, pero todas las iglesias de células grandes por lo menos tienen un gran lugar de encuentro.

Me encantan las mega iglesias celulares, pero hay muy pocas de ellas en el mundo de hoy. ¿Por qué? Muy pocos pastores tienen los ingredientes necesarios para dirigir una mega iglesia celular. Pocos tienen el talento de David Cho, o Mario Vega. En segundo lugar, es cada vez más difícil obtener un terreno y construir grandes mega iglesias celulares en el mundo de hoy. Incluso el alquiler de un espacio para una muchedumbre tan grande puede ser extremadamente difícil.

Debemos orar a Dios por las grandes iglesias celulares que crecen en el mundo de hoy. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las iglesias celulares serán más pequeñas, más simples y reproducibles. La próxima semana vamos a explorar los beneficios de la pequeña, multiplicadora iglesia celular.



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Joel Comiskey (Ph.D. Fuller Seminary) is an internationally recognized cell church coach and consultant. He has served as a missionary with the C&MA in Quito, Ecuador and is now founding pastor of a cell-based church in Southern California. Joel has written best selling books on the worldwide cell group movement. He teaches as an adjunct professor at several theological seminaries. Joel Comiskey Group is a tax exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to helping complete the Great Commission in this century by providing resources and coaching to plant new cell churches and transition existing churches to cell-based ministry. For further reading on this topic, see Comiskey's books Making Cell Groups Work Navigation Guide and Home Cell Group Explosion.