Building a Team

by Angel Manuel Hernández Gutiérrez

A long while ago we transitioned from being a model focused on leadership, to being a strategy focused on the cell itself. This change alone has triggered commitment and multiplication. When we were focused on what I call the “Leader model,” we were missing the key ingredients of evangelism and discipleship by those who weren’t leaders. On the other hand , the leaders were so focused on developing new leaders, they abandoned all of those people that weren’t prepared for leadership. Also the cells had little concern for those who were not interested in being leaders.

God doesn’t concentrate on little “Rambo.” Rather, the works with teams. That’s why it is very important to have a team and to build it. Jesus did just that, and He did it for a specific reason: “ so that they would be with Him, and then would go forth to preach” (Mark 3:14). It’s very important to realize that God doesn’t call us to walk alone. Remember that Jesus sent them out two by two (Luke 10:1). So much of discouragement that leaders face comes from loneliness, and this is why it’s very good for leaders to have a team of companions.

I have heard leaders say, “If I don’t do it, nobody will do it.” But in reality, they should say that they haven’t learned to work in a team or know how to mobilize the one they have. Because when a team doesn’t want to move, it’s because they don’t know how to mobilize and do the work together. There are many reasons for not counting on a team, but none of them are justified. Team work is healthy; it shows that no one is an autocrat. It demonstrates transparency, confidence, and gives security and firm hope.

The leader should be just another member of the team, functioning with the same importance as the rest of the team. The leader should depend on the team and stop trying to be superman. The leader should stop seeing people as objects, and see them as fellow players, because no-one is owner of anyone, and all have a function in the body of Christ, as Dr. Neighbour continues to remind us.