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The Perfect Small Group: 4 Ps to Get You Closer

3. Pray

Jim Egli and Dwight Marable recently wrote a book called Small Groups Big Impact in which they surveyed thousands of small group leaders and members about the factors that contribute to healthy group life. Their research showed that the most important factor related to group health is prayer (page 23). They found that group leaders who spent 5 hours preparing for a group meeting had no more of an impact than leaders who spent 5 minutes preparing for a group meeting (page 26). Egli and Marable wrote, “Our research…dramatically underlines the simple Biblical truth: When we pray, we see God do awesome things!” (page 25)

Group leaders and members will have a much better small group experience and contribute to their own spiritual growth more when they are committed to praying with and for each other. I encourage all group leaders and members to spend time every day praying for the other people in their group. Technology can be a huge help where prayer is concerned. With smart phones and tablet computers, it’s simple for a group member to note and immediately send prayer requests to each group member. Groups can even send reminders throughout the week to pray for one another.

4. Say, “Perhaps”

In 1 Samuel 13-14, we find a story about the Israelites having trouble with the Philistines. At the end of chapter 13, we’re told that no Hebrew had a sword or a spear except for King Saul and his son, Jonathan. Then in chapter 14, while Saul and 600 other Israelites are gathered for a strategy and prayer session, Jonathan says to his armor bearer (who had no sword), “Let’s go across to see those pagans…Perhaps (emphasis added) the LORD will help us, for nothing can hinder the LORD. He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few!” (1 Sam 14:4-6 NLT)

Too many times, Christians and small groups are too afraid to say, “Perhaps.” We gather to strategize and pray, but then don’t act in faith expecting God to save the day. Most of us live our lives as if “perhaps” isn’t enough, and that is tragic. One of the most important elements of our spiritual growth is our willingness to take risks of faith. For some groups, meeting in a video chat room is a faith risk. For some groups, getting off the couch and doing something missional is a faith risk. For some groups, it’s a faith risk to invite a few new members. Regardless of the risk, it’s vital that we learn to take immediate action when God impresses something on our hearts.

Let us have the faith to say, “Perhaps God will help us” and take faith steps for His Kingdom’s sake. Let us have the faith to say “Perhaps” and embrace change for our own spiritual growth and for the sake of future generations. Let us always remember that we serve a God who saves when we have the boldness to say “Perhaps.”

Be prepared, be present, pray, and say, “Perhaps.” This list is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a start. What would you add?