Home Worship & Creative Leaders Nativity Story: Separating Fact from Fiction

Nativity Story: Separating Fact from Fiction

3. The Death of the Hebrew Infants

In nativity films, we are given the image that when Herod ordered the deaths of all the male infants, that thousands of Jewish mothers were wailing because of the loss of their babies. But this is unlikely. Because Bethlehem was extremely tiny, the number of infants that were up to two years old was very small—perhaps less than 10.

After the census, Joseph, Mary and the child probably moved from the animal shelter and stayed in one of the guest rooms with their relatives when the Magi arrived. Matthew 2:11 says the Magi came to a “house” and found the baby there.

4. Singing Angels

According to Luke 2:13-14, the heavenly host praised God saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men.” The text does not say that the angels sang. While they may have sung this line, we cannot be sure. It says they “praised” and “said.” Earlier in the text,

Luke says that “the angel of the Lord” appeared to the shepherds. It’s possible that the angel appeared in the fields with the shepherds. Then “suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God . . .” Perhaps the entire field was awash with angelic hosts surrounding the shepherds, all praising God with one voice. A majestic scene indeed!