Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative 10 Prayer Points for Praise and Worship Team

10 Prayer Points for Praise and Worship Team

In the past, I’ve written about ways to pray for your pastor on a given weekend. Here are some ways to pray for the ones who will lead the worship music at your church this weekend. Take 15 minutes today and lift them up to God.

10 Prayer Points for Praise and Worship Team

1. Pray they will be pure as they lead.

Ability to play an instrument and sing a song is not enough to qualify to lead the church to worship through music. Godliness is essential.

2. Pray the worship team will genuinely be a team as they lead.

Some of the biggest struggles leaders face is not from outsiders; it’s from members of the same team. Pray for supernatural team unity.

3. Pray they will lead solely in God’s power.

As a communicator, I can fall into the trap of speaking in my own ability. I assume that temptation is equally true for worship music leaders who are gifted, trained, experienced and often the best in the room at what they do.

4. Pray God will grant them focus.

It’s easy to get distracted when facing an entire congregation of people for much of the service (it’s that way for me as a speaker sometimes). Even one person who’s not singing can catch a worship team’s attention.

5. Pray for peace for those who might silently be bearing their own burdens.

Everyone sees the leaders on the stage, and those leaders want to show God’s joy as they lead. That’s hard to do when your own life is filled with heartache.

6. Pray that any potential complainers will (a) pray first and (b) express concerns only appropriately, and not on the day of worship.

Worship leaders frequently receive more complaints than warranted, often because worship style preferences are so subjective. Ask God to guard them from complainers this weekend.

7. Pray they themselves will worship as they lead others to do so.

Sometimes those who lead are so focused on the details that they miss God in their own lives. Pray that won’t happen to your church’s worship team.