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The Power of Focus & Multiplicity

The ability to focus is an incredible gift.

The ability to productively move forward despite the countless distractions in our lives is both an art and skill. It requires a conscious series of choices to frame one’s life. If done well, it will not only add hours to one’s life but also multiply productivity.

As some of you know, I’ve been in a life-changing season of personal transition and refinement. It’s required a deep gut check and exploration into my passions and motives for living life. I’ve made some tough decisions in cutting away elements and opportunities that I deeply cared about in order to pursue my dreams.

During this season of change, I’ve come to rediscover the power of focus, especially as it relates to multiplying productivity. My assumption had been that reallocating the number of hours from my numerous areas of work and funneling them to my new focus would simply add that many hours of value to my new endeavor. In other words, I thought adding 20 more hours to my passion would produce something equivalent of 20 more hours of work. I was sorely mistaken.

In actuality, 20 more hours of focused work exponentially produces much more than a scattered collection of hours. I’m finding that focusing on one thing over a longer of period of time multiplies productivity and quality.

Yes, I completely understand that this is a luxury for most entrepreneurs. I know that getting to this place of launching full-time takes awhile and does include a deep level of sacrifice. I have fully felt the tension of wanting to dive in to something that makes one’s heart beat faster and the reality of sustaining one’s life, especially those with families. I acknowledge that this is an incredibly difficult decision for most.

Nevertheless, if you can do your homework and position your life to go for it, diving in full board for a season is not a bad idea. Personally, I think it’s worth the risk to pursue a passion for a year or two. Figure out what you really need to minimally survive and budget your life so that you can take a greater step into your dreams. It may take you a year or two to get to that place, but I’m convinced it’s worth it. You will feel more alive and productive than you ever have if you choose to focus on something for a season and even allow other “good things” to wait.

I know many of you can juggle a hundred things. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Plus, let’s be honest, becoming the best at something can’t be accomplished when you’re juggling multiple interests. As Seth Godin has rightly questioned, “Would you rather be a wondering generality or a meaningful specific?”

Let’s continue to posture our lives towards focusing more and becoming distracted less.

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Charles is the CEO & Chief Idea-Maker at Ideation, a brand innovation company that specializes in helping businesses & organizations build remarkable brands via innovative business design, organizational change architecture, brand integration, design, web, and marketing services. He is also the author of Good Idea. Now What?: How to Move Ideas to Execution, a practical book designed to help people move ideas to implementation. Charles is regularly invited to speak to leading companies and organizations on topics such as creativity, innovation, idea-making, and branding. Executive leaders from brands including Wells Fargo, Toyota, The White House, Catalyst, William Morris Endeavor, mun2, Council of Urban Professionals, Chick-fil-A, and many others have benefited from having Charles present at their key events.