When Strategy Kills

I’m a big believer in strategy.  In fact, the case could be made that most organizations fail because they lack a real strategy for success.  After all, plenty of leadership experts have taught that success doesn’t happen by accident.  Great planning is critical for the realization of any project or organization.  However, I’ve encountered numerous businesses, churches, and nonprofits that were in bondage to strategy.  They feel that strategy is so critical, they don’t dare make a move without it.  As a result, they miss great opportunities to act.  Strategy is a powerful tool for long term success, but the truth is – there are times when you have to act – and do it now.

Sometimes opportunities present themselves and you have to seize the moment.  It’s been said that if you have 60% or more information, then it’s time to make a decision.  Holding out, and holding out, and holding out – just to get one more report, one more verification, or one more piece of data can paralyze your effort.  Too many leaders say they’re “developing a strategy” when in reality, they’re just afraid to act.

Strategy and planning are incredibly important, but you also need to learn to make decisions.

Let me know if you’ve ever seen that happen.