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When It Comes to Media, Do You “Consume” or “Listen?”

We’re all “consumers” today.  Read the news, blogs, or magazine articles and we’re all “consuming” something.  Wikipedia defines it as:  “Consumer is a broad label for any individuals or households that use goods and services generated within the economy.”  So the question is – when you read books, watch a film, spend time on the web, or encounter other media – are you “using” or really listening?  I fear that too often we’re just “scanning” or looking for momentary entertainment.  But there’s wonderful stuff out there, and we’re not taking the time to think and reflect about it’s real meaning.
Maybe it’s time we started thinking about the implications of being a “consumer” versus being a real “listener.”  Are you reading out of boredom, or a fear that you need to know this stuff?  Are you just cramming, like you used to do for a final exam?  Remember – in those days you forgot about it the next day.

Let’s start listening.  Reflecting.  Considering.  What you read or watch matters.  Make it stick.