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The Gay Missionary, The Nude Kids Worker, And The Convicted Drummer

He comes to your church.
He is gay and living with the love of his life.
He wants to serve on your missions team to help the sick.

She comes to your church.
She is a B list actress who currently has 2 semi nude love scenes in her upcoming movie.
She wants to teach the 4 years olds on Sunday morning.

He comes to your church.
He’s 21 and fresh out of prison for statutory rape with a 15 year old when he was 18.
He wants to play drums.

She comes to your church.
She is gorgeous but is binging and purging every meal but no one knows.
She wants to teach the 14 year old girls small group.

He comes to your church.
He is meeting escorts 2 afternoons a week but no one knows.
He wants to teach the 17 year old boys small group.

She comes to your church.
She is embezzling money from her corporation but no one knows.
She wants to be an usher.

The problem lies when we draw lines in the sand with peoples sins.
The bottom 3 are already serving in your church.
The top 3 are probably not.

In my eyes the top 3 are probably more apt to serve than the bottom 3 because they are not hiding it.
I know this is a sweeping generalization. But I feel an authentic desire to exist in who you are is much better than the desire to hide who you are.
How can the church help facilitate radical grace while knowing that no ones sin is greater than the other?
Talk to me…