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Don’t Chase Your Dream. Make Your Dream Chase You

It is January 1st.
There is a big dream you desire to get this year.
I am 100%, completely convinced that you can get it.
Here is how I plan on getting mine and it think can help you get yours.
I’m not some dream architect, but common sense proves better than books and seminars sometimes.

1.  Make your dream chase you. Don’t chase your dream.

Put it on your phone home screen.
With a Sharpie on your bathroom mirror.
Tattooed on your wrist.
Hang it from your rear view mirror.
Laptop screen saver.
As an alarm on your phone 3 times a day.
Whatever you can do to have it chase you down and stay in your face.
Do it.

2.  Realize that owning the dream beginning is just as powerful as owning the dream ending.

Just because you don’t own the end of the dream doesn’t mean you don’t own the dream.
If you know you will have more swag when you get your dream, then walk with swag from the kitchen to the car.
If you know you will have more money when you get your dream, then start caring for your money like you should and will.
If you know you will have more time for your kids when you get your dream, then make them wonder where all the time came from now.
If you know you will sing in front of thousands at the end of your dream, then sing in front of 20 and blow their minds

3.  Surround yourself with dream kerosine and not dream extinguishers.

When you have a dream, it is important that you surround yourself with people that will help your dream explode and not put out your dream.
There are people who want to constantly doubt your dream.
There are people who want to dilute your dream.
There are people who want to put out your dream.
There are people who want to laugh at your dream.
Not only do you need to not surround yourself with these people, you need to completely disconnect from them having ANY sort of conversation about your dream.
It’s not because they don’t love you.
Most of them probably do.
It’s more because they want to protect you.
Protect you from the hurt of not achieving your dreams.
This does not make them bad people.
It just makes them bad dream people.

Take these 3 points or leave them.
But I’m going to blow your minds this year by achieving more than I have ever imagined.
And I’d like you to blow mine.
Start running.
Your dreams are coming…