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Youth Ministry Resolutions 2011

Matt and I worked on the HPNY Middle School Vision for 2011 today. In the process, we came up with some new year’s resolutions. We may tweak them a little along the way as we work out our ministry goals and the strategies that go along with them but for the most part these are going to help us along in 2011. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

HPNY Middle School 2011

We resolve to let God dream in us. We refuse to let our own minds limit God’s possibilities.

We resolve to recruit passionate leaders.

We resolve to train the leaders we recruit and love them into serving where their strengths shine.

We resolve to use social media as a tool but we refuse to let it be the only way we build relationships.

We resolve to play as much as we pray this year, celebrating every seed planted and every heart changed.

We resolve to partner with parents every month in conversation that’s helpful to them.

We resolve to look at every program and truly weigh it’s worth in how it teaches us to love God and love others sacrificially.

We resolve to change what we’re doing, even if we’re caught midstream, to follow God’s leading this year.