Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Carey Nieuwhof: 7 Kinds of People You Can’t Afford to Keep

Carey Nieuwhof: 7 Kinds of People You Can’t Afford to Keep

Can’t Afford to Keep

In leadership, you always face your share of critics. Everyone has an opinion, and if you’re like me, you can get focused on keeping people happy, which is always a critical leadership mistake. Your church or your organization isn’t for everyone (here’s why). Usually, the discussion at the leadership table will end up with someone saying: Look: we can’t afford to lose people. Sometimes that’s true. Often, it’s simply not. In fact, often the opposite is true. The people you are most afraid of losing are the people you most need to lose. Truthfully, you can’t afford to keep them.

Who You Can’t Afford to Keep

So who can you not afford to keep if you want your mission to move forward?

1. You can’t keep perpetual critics.

2. You can’t afford to keep people who are opposed to everything.

3. You can’t afford to keep people who drain the energy and health out of a church or organization.

4. You can’t keep people who contribute nothing and criticize everything.

5. You can’t afford to keep people who have no vision of what the future should be, only a vision for what the future shouldn’t be.