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Teen Advice: 10 Conversations You Need to Have With Kids Now


Teen advice is everywhere. Today’s kids hear lots of advice, but is it the right advice? Read on to discover 10 topics that kids, including your youth group members, need to hear about from you. 

Today I write on behalf of teenagers. Frankly, I’m glad I’m not one today for many reasons. I certainly wouldn’t want to face the temptations teens face today. I do remember my teen years, though. And I still think about times when I desperately wanted guidance, encouragement, and advice.

Here are 10 conversations and pieces of teen advice I wish someone had shared with me:

10 Key Areas of Teen Advice

1. “You’re not the only one struggling as a teen Christian.”

I was certain I was the exception. Surely nobody was battling temptations like I was. At least nobody was talking about it. That was part of the problem.

2. “Let’s talk about pornography and lust.”

I cannot say strongly enough how I wish a Christian man had cared for me enough to initiate that conversation. Fathers, waiting until you catch your teen in this habit is an abdication of your responsibility. Provide biblical advice now!

3. “I’ll show you how to read the Bible and pray every day.”

I wanted to do that because my pastor said I needed to. But nobody taught me, so I struggled trying to be obedient. No teen should have to learn these disciplines on his or her own. Emphasize and model reading Scripture.

4. “God forgives you. But you’ll probably remember your sinful choices the rest of your life.”

Had I known decades ago that I’d still occasionally hurt over my past sin, I think I would’ve made different choices.

5. “Be ready for God to change your plans.”

As a teen, I knew exactly what I was going to do when I grew up: teach high school English. God had other plans.

6. “Let me help you learn theology well because you’ll be challenged often.”

High school classmates respected me but disputed my beliefs. College professors in a public institution questioned my faith. I’m sure the battles are worse for teens now.

7. “Date only believers.”

My experience is that more often than not, the nonbeliever influences the believer more than the other way around.